Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Last night on raw

Well, tonight is officially the end of our raw week - we shared a cheeky dinner of mango and raw chocolate brownie. No-one complained! I am thinking about doing a Master Cleanse starting next week to help shift some of my own stuff in preparation for the spring as the raw week was very much about everyone else and I didn't really get a chance to go deep into the detoxing process. I fancy putting together a programme of journalling and massage, inner truth seeking and yoga to lead up to the spring equinox. We are organising a big Ostara egg hunt though so will have to curb all those chocolate cravings! I'll let you know how I get on.

1 comment:

rae-ann said...

A week already? That's gone by so quickly! I know what you mean though about focusing so much on others you forget yourself. I've been promising myself a real 'month off' for years now LOL!

I'm not doing a raw fast, but I'm doing a detox of just fruit and vegetables. I'm on day 3. I have to admit, it was kind of enforced after waking up in the middle on the night with severe abdominal pain on Monday night, but I'm taking it as a good 'kick in the right direction'.

Enjoy your chocolate egg hunt :) I've managed to get LMG some sugar free eggs made with fructose, so she will be delighted; she usually misses out on such frivolity.