Monday 9 March 2009

Full Moon in Virgo

Early on Wednesday morning the moon reaches its fullest point. So what does this hold in store for us? Well, she will be full in the sign of Virgo so we can expect this to be a time for healing and serving others. Its also ideal week to concentrate on our body and to take responsibility for our health. On 11th March at 2:38 the moon is full and the energies that surround this event will affect our lives for the day before and will continue for several days afterwards. So let’s look at the impact of this Virgoan full moon. Virgo is the healer, nurse, doctor and therapist. According to Astrolger, Lisa Dale Miller, “This sign is the true healer of the zodiac because in its mind, if it causes pain, it warrants attention and a cure. For Virgo, caring comes in the form of finding workable solutions to everyday problems.” This is the time to take full responsibility for our health. The current alignment of planets invite in depth questioning of our beliefs about medicine, healing and disease. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you about your life. An interesting exercise is to do a body scan. Lie down in a warm, candlelit space and relax deeply. Take your attention to the top of your head and listen to the message of your skull, then take your attention to your eyes – what are they trying to tell you. The message might pop up in your head as a thought, you might hear a voice or perhaps see a picture in your mind of the body part and what it is feeling like. Some parts of the body may not give a message. Others may have lots to tell you. Once you have completed this exercise, scanning through the whole body, write down what you can remember of the observations. It makes for interesting reading and gives you a deeper insight into how your body is really feeling. Its a good opportunity to start a detox programme of body, mind and space. So embark on a few days of healthful eating, decluttering and addressing any issues that come up through journalling or talking them through with a close friend. Volunteering and helping others is also key at this time. Celebrate your hard work as a carer for your children and extended family. Take a walk in a beautiful location, book a massage or treat yourself to a candlelit bath. Enjoy the bountiful full moon energy and let us know what you got up to when the moon was bright!

1 comment:

rae-ann said...

the pampering ideas certainly speak to me right now. I feel like I'm in danger of burning out, so some TLC is definitely in order.
Happy full moon to you too :)