Sunday 3 August 2008

five things you can do

Here are five simple things to do that will help to reduce carbon emissions: 
They are not very glamourous but will probably save you money as well as reducing your impact on the environment.
• Try and keep your fridge and freezer full (but not overcrowded) as this will use less electricity - fill space in the freezer with scrunched up paper or bubble wrap to stop warm air creeping in when the door is opened.
• Place a fiver on the seal of your fridge door and shut the door. If you can remove the money the seals on your fridge need replacing - cool air can escape through the gap and energy is wasted.
• Check the condenser coil on the back of your fridge - dusty or dirty ones waste energy. Give the coils a little tlc and you'll make your fridge more efficient.
• Obvious one this - but we have all lingered in front of the fridge trying to work out what to make for tea - keep the door shut and only open for very brief periods.
• Keep your fridge somewhere cool - if possible locate it out of direct sunlight and not near an oven or boiler, where it will have to work twice as hard. 
So, I'm off to shut some money in the fridge, raid the craft box for bubble wrap to stuff in the freezer and dust off my coils.
Next week we'll take a look at transport and ways in which we can all cut carbon (and save a few pennies). 

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