Saturday 2 August 2008

new moon in leo

At 10:14 yesterday we entered the new moon in Leo. This is a time for big creativity, playfulness, passion and joy. It is a time for allowing your light to shine. Leo is a fire sign so this period can be great for connecting to your own inner fire, your passions, the things that drive you. On a physical level lighting a fire with friends or candle rituals can have extra potency around this time, feeling especially magical. The power of Leo can also have the effect of jolting you out of your daily life and encouraging you to take a leap of faith or to create a new path driven by your passions. Enjoy this fiery period and do share how it's affecting you here. For me the New Moon is the time when I feel I can really start to affect change and get any stagnant energies in my home (in particular) moving again. This period often heralds trips to the charity shop laden with boxes and a renewed interest in cleaning (noticeably absent the rest of the month).

1 comment:

rae-ann said...

Thanks Melissa, I think many of us are glad to see the back of the past couple of weeks and get a fresh start on things!

Interesting you talk about the home. This new moon (and eclipse!) is in my fourth house, so I'm looking forward to a few 'home improvements' too - and what better way than a big declutter.......

Rae x