Friday 4 July 2008

The 11th Hour

I watched Leonardo DiCaprio's movie The 11th Hour last night and went to sleep feeling fairly overwhelmed by the monumental task we have on our hands to try and put things right. From what I understand, we have to make a complete change in the way that we live, and we need to make it now. And yet, how to mobilise a global society when the powers-that-be are hell-bent on greater power and increasing consumption? I am not sure and the 50 or so eminent scientists and climate change experts featured on the film didn't really seem to have concrete answers either. Suggestions were made about re-discovering our connection to the natural world and environmental activist, David Suzuki claims that it all comes down to love. Hurrah! I hope that this is where The Green Parent comes in - providing positive and inspiring information on making green lifestyle choices. But I know that its got to be bigger and more widespread than this. Am thinking about ways in which we can start to turn the tide and will revisit this in later posts. And BTW, am still hugely positive about what is happening in small pockets around the world, at grassroots level - there are so many people out there who really do care and have a vision for a beautiful future in which nature and man can live in harmony. Just need some radical politicians to carry this vision to the wider society.

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