Wednesday 2 July 2008

Nurturing New Moon

Both the New Moon (2:02 3/7/08) and the Sun are in Cancer right now, meaning that this week is a time of heightened emotions. It is a good time to look deep within and to honour our own feelings without judgement. It would also be timely to focus on really nurturing the self.
Cancer has two sides (like all astrological signs), on one hand emotional security and the other emotional insecurity, self love versus inadequacy. 
A person who is emotionally secure does not NEED anything from other people. In a relationship, when a secure person offers out love, it is either reciprocated, offering a beautiful bonding opportunity or rejected, and when it is rejected the love just flows back to self, causing no harm or ill feelings. Love comes from self and returns there.
However, for someone whose sense of self-worth is lacking, love is experienced as a need. Another person's love maybe needed to confirm self-worth and yet, external sources of love are temporary and out of our control, leading to more insecurity.
Self-love is key to security and starts with self-acceptance. Accept yourself exactly as you are. If there are things that you would like to change, acknowledge that and move slowly and compassionately towards making those changes. Taking time to nurture the self is an important Cancer theme. Time to nurture our bodies, indulge in health giving treats and generally take care of ourselves. The first sign of self-worth is realising that your feelings count.
If you feel a sense of tension or of being blocked around expressing your feelings try practices such as yoga and meditation to release blocks. Singing or dance could also help to free up your mind and body. Another aspect of Cancer is the home environment - you could work with the lunar energy, helping yourself to feel more centred and secure, by giving your home a thorough sort out. Above all, relish the feminine, nurturing, healing energy that surrounds us right now.


rae-ann said...

Lovely post; it's great to see someone else honouring the rhythms of the moon's cycle.

I use a wonderful book by Donna Cunningham called 'Moonsigns' In it, she lists meditations / visualisations for each moon.

The one for cancer moon is:

Imagine you can locate the roots of your energy field or aura which are near your tailbone. Imagine there is a wonderfully soothing pink light gently pushing out any insecurity and replacing it with a feeling of being at home in the universe. Send roots down into the earth and draw nurturing and reassurance from the earth - feel nourished and cared for. End with the affirmation: "I am safe at home in the nurturing love of the Divine."

I find working with the moon's energies somehow helps to ground me (sounds weird to say that!) and really balances my mind-body-spirit.

Rae x

Melissa Corkhill said...

Ooh Rae,

Thank you for posting this - will have to keep my eye out for this book. Does Donna work with Full as well as New Moon energies?

Really feeling this build up to the Full Moon - feel as though I am about to burst!

I think I have nearly managed to align my bleed as well - hurrah! It's taken about 13 moons of conscious thought around it.



rae-ann said...

Hi Melissa,

You know, I'm just not sure. Most of her stuff is just so much part of my life now that I can't remember if she specifically works with the new and full moon in this way. I know that the book gives you more if you use it in conjunction with your birth chart - she talks about the energy of the new moon in each of your houses and how that might affect you.

Aligning your cycle with the moon is wonderful. I always feel MUCH better when I'm in synch - much more 'at one' with the Universe in many ways. Enjoy! and Happy full moon for tomorrow :)

Rae x