Friday 18 July 2008

the moon is full

This morning at 8 o clock the moon reached the fullest point of its cycle. This moon is known as the Blessing or Wort Moon. Wort is an old Anglo Saxon name meaning herb (hence motherwort, ragwort, st. john's wort etc), so this is a good time to gather herbs to use in cooking or for rituals. Herbs gathered and dried at this time retain their strength and magical powers. I like to make herbs a central part of my cooking in the summer months and find myself wanting to eat really fresh greens and herbs (along with the occasional chocolate brownie!). To honour the wort moon I like to make strawberry and mint cordial with tiny wild strawberries, handfuls of mint and some honey or agave syrup to sweeten. I whizz in a blender and then add water for a refreshing drink. Tabbouleh with heaps of mint, basil, parsley and fennel is also tempting. I use bulghur wheat and add hot water, lemon juice and olive oil along with the chopped herbs, more herbs than bulghur if possible. 
The full moon signifies a time of ripening, of abundance and completeness and I like to keep this in mind around the full moon, and really sink into experiences, drink the breath, indulge in life! Enjoy!!


rae-ann said...

I'm loving your moon energy posts, Melissa. And your recipes sound delicious.

Happy full moon to you :)

Rae x

Melissa Corkhill said...

Thanks Rae a happy post full moon week to you! I had a beautiful, if somewhat noisy full moon night in a field amongst thousands of other tents. Did anyone else get incredibly restless and agitated in the lead up to last Friday? I couldn't believe how frustrated I felt towards the end of last week. Luckily things have settled down again now!