Tuesday 8 July 2008

Birthday excitement!

It's my eldest daughter's birthday today and also the anniversary of my becoming a mother - hurrah! So I bought myself a copy of Robert Hart's Forest Garden from the second hand bookstore (as it was winking at me - I have wanted this for absolutely ages). We went out for a cheeky lunch at Bills Produce Store after a lengthy swimming session. Feel funny about taking the girls to a body of water infused with so many chemicals and inviting them to submerge themselves, and even now, hours later, I have a weird raspy throat sort of thing - caused by ingesting chlorine I think. But they are such water babies and love going swimming every week with their equally aquaphillic (?) Dad. Some lovely swimming fanatic out there is compiling a list of chlorine free pools. Have just taken a vegan choc cake out of the oven - it's a v quick and easy recipe that I found that is sweetened with dates. I'm going to ice it with some nut butter, raw cacao powder and agave syrup mixed together. On birthdays, the birthday person gets a throne to sit in at the table decorated all over with flowers and ribbons and they get to choose what they want to eat all day. I have had a request for pizza for tea, so have made some dough and am just waiting for it to rise. This isn't very work orientated I'm afraid as my head is in a completely different zone right now - ah well, going to go and finish off what I have started!

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