Friday 5 September 2008

bad month for bugs

Apparently all this rain hasn't been much fun for the insect population of our fair isles either, with low numbers of dragonflies, hoverflies, ladybirds, bees and moths recorded during August this year. Cold blooded creatures need the warmth of the sun to raise their body temperature and allow their muscles to work. A cold wet day means that they are unable to function properly and a succession of days like this can prove fatal. This also means that fewer flowers are being pollinated resulting in a smaller harvest. According to the Met Office the rain is unlikely to let up for the next few days. But plans for a wild event at Notcutts Garden Centre in Norwich, Norfolk are set to go ahead this weekend where families can meet the crew from conservation charity, Buglife, and find out more about wildlife gardening to benefit bugs. Those who can't make it might like to try these downloadable bug activities instead.

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