Monday 15 September 2008

tribute to a big guy

One of the most sterling members of our team, the big guy who would sit up all night with Jez during deadline, hour after hour, keeping him awake and his lap warm, and still be ready for a walk in the woods at dawn, died this weekend. We think that he was hit by a car in the small hours of Saturday morning, on one of the quietest roads in East Sussex. Tony is already sorely missed - although a wild and independent spirit, he used to take up residence every night at the end of the bed, revealing the softer side of his nature. Here he is curled up in a box one night keeping Jez company as he worked late. I feel like we've lost more than a pet and I just can't believe he's gone...


rae-ann said...

:( :( So sorry to hear about Tony. Our pets weave their way into special corners of our hearts and stay lodged there for the rest of our lives.

Wishing you all a gentle, peaceful, loving day.

Rae x

Melissa Corkhill said...


Thank you so much for your thoughts. I still can't believe that he is gone but his messages have been beautiful - two separate rose bushes in the garden each produced a single flower on the day of his death. And this morning I clearly heard his feet on the kitchen floor around me as I prepared breakfast.

Small things maybe, but they are helping me through.

Love Melissa

DJ said...

So sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is to loose a pet!