Friday 5 September 2008

moon time

Well, I just got sent a femmecup in the post this morning - thanks to their PR people! I am intrigued - it is almost identical to my beloved mooncup but a smaller version. The press info that comes with this silicone menstrual cup says that we use 3 billion disposable sanitary protection items a year in the UK. And of course these are flushed away, adding to marine pollution or dumped in landfill sites. Choosing reusable products like a menstrual cup, sea sponges or washable pads means pretty much zero waste; a mooncup lasts for ten years, the femmecup lasts for five. Femmecup's website is all yoga and ladies drinking wine, with lots of information including the fact that women have been using this sort of protection since 1896. In addition to switching to reusable products I recommend keeping a moon diary as well; recording your cycle helps you to get in touch with your body and provides a useful indicator of health and wellbeing. I like to mark moods on mine as well so that I have a better idea of what sort of frame of mind I'll be in on any given day. Then I can organise parties/meetings/duvet days accordingly!

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