Monday 29 September 2008

new moon in libra

This morning the new moon moved into Libra, signifying a time of balance and deep listening within relationships. It is a time of love and therefore a great chance to honour a relationship that you are already in or an opportunity to find love if not. As Libra is about balance this forms part of our practice over the coming weeks. You could try asking yourself - is there balance in my life? Where do things feel unbalanced? in what areas of my life are my energy levels out of sync? how can I achieve greater harmony?
Time for clearing
As ever, the new moon is a good time for clearing away and letting go - of unwanted possessions, long-held beliefs that are holding you back, draining relationships etc - clear out all that is not needed. I found myself at a Meditation with Crystals evening last week and almost all of the practices that we did focused on deep cleansing of old beliefs and behaviours. After a series of really powerful meditations we started work with this beautiful stone called Apophyllite, a stone that allows one to see the truth and act on it, that releases trapped emotions and calms the spirit. During the session I had this vision of white doves circling down through my body in a spiral from my crown chakra in a blaze of pure white light. It felt so joyful. That's the stone and energy that I'm working with over the next few weeks. Yay!

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