Thursday 13 November 2008

buy nothing month: day thirteen

It's been nearly two weeks and we have not succumbed to any of the temptations of acquiring more stuff - yet! As I mentioned previously this is chiefly to do with the fact that we live in the sticks but we have had to brave the lure of internet shopping daily! I have run out of tape and am feeling a bit under the weather. Dosing myself up on lots of honey and lemon drinks and wearing lots of scarfs! So I thought I'd use today's post to write about health.
The average person spends £137 on medicine a year in the UK. Although some of this is necessary all too often we seek quick fixes from pills so that we can 'get on' with our lives.
BE AWARE OF THOUGHTS - Being aware of your thoughts and how you react to things can have a profound effect on your health. Positive thinking instantly lifts our spirits and gives us more space to seek out an alternative.
TRY AN ALTERNATIVE There are a growing number of alternative practitioners in many different fields. Ask friends for recommendations and notice what form of treatment you feel drawn to. I would advise building up a bank of alternative practitioners that can support your family's health and wellbeing. You might want to consider homeopathy, reflexology, traditional Chinese medicine, herbalism or cranial sacral therapy for example.
BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR Our bodies are incredible organisms that strive to create health - they are always working in that direction, to be healthy. If you are unwell and you sit quietly with your thoughts, you can find out what is the problem and what your body needs in order to effectively heal. Just be willing to dialogue with the disease or the part of the body that is suffering.
LOOK OUTSIDE YOUR FRONT DOOR Many herbalists believe that the plants that a family needs for health are growing around the house or in the local environment. What is growing outside your front door? Mint is good for digestive troubles, lavender for aiding relaxation, sage to soothe a sore throat.
HYDRATE YOURSELF Many headaches are caused by dehydration. Ty to drink around 2 litres of water a day. A glass of water with lemon juice first thing in the morning is a cleansing start to the day. Every time you walk past the kitchen tap, fill a small glass and drink it.
To your good health!

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