Monday 24 November 2008

buy nothing month: day twenty four

Wowzer, can't believe that we only have a week to go. We are now thinking about how to roll this out into our lives beyond Buy Nothing Month. It's surprisingly liberating. And whilst the kids have a yearning to take some hard cash into our local town to splash out, when we asked what they wanted to buy they explained that they wanted to get each other a Christmas present at the bookshop. Bless!
They have gone to their beloved aunt and uncle's house for a sleepover and are looking forward to butter with their bread and a chance to go to the shops (not to buy but just to look), as well as lots of love and silly games as well I'm sure.
A friend is organising a bring and buy sale in the village in aid of Blue Peter's Mission Nutrition and I felt a bit churlish when I remembered that we wouldn't be able to purchase anything. Surely this is the sort of consumerism that we should support regardless. Jury's out on this. Sale is this afternoon so I'll keep you posted what decision I come to.
Food around here is getting decidedly weird - cabbage soup anyone? But essentially apart from an ear infection, chest infection and a few sniffles we are all fairly fit and healthy! For medicine we have relied completely on the kitchen cupboard and a bottle of amazing tonic from the marvellous Nancy Makin of Barefoot Herbs, who is really our family doctor. 
In the office we have run out of recycled paper envelopes and tape so have been more careful than usual about opening envelopes to ensure that they can be re-used and using old stickers to seal mail. 
I have not experienced the spiritual effects that I thought that a buy nothing month might bring. I expected small moments of epiphany. I expected to discover greater clarity and and a sense of lightness. Perhaps I have experienced this but on a smaller scale than I envisaged. Perhaps I need to step away from the computer and my day-to-day life to realise that on a grand scale? 
Anyway, although we did this for political and environmental reasons, I expect that the economical effects won't have hurt either. And now, I'm off to make a few felt toys for the advent calendar, which will be hung expectantly in just six days time!

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